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Saturday, April 30, 2016

How To Get A Morning Workout Without Ever Leaving Your Bed

It can be hard to fit a workout into your busy life.
But no matter your schedule, you can still fit in a great workout first thing in the morning — without ever leaving your bed.
For the record, morning workouts are awesome — they stave off cravings, ramp up your energy and metabolism, jump-start your brain and free up your day for other activities. That’s why we’re totally into this new 4-move workout from Cosmopolitan (check out the video above), built by NYC-based Bari trainer AJ Blankenship.
We asked Blankenship to break down the moves for us:
1. Donkey Kick with Crossover. 
“Begin on your hands and knees and focus on drawing your belly button into engage your abs,” Blankenship told HuffPost. “While keeping your knee at a 90 degree angle, lift your leg back behind you. Imagine pressing the ceiling away with a flat foot. Lower your leg on a diagonal and cross the knee over the bottom leg. Lift the leg back up and then return it to the starting position on all fours.”
2. Single-Leg Bridge With Leg Dip

“Begin by lying on your back with one foot planted into the mattress and the other leg reaching up toward the ceiling,” Blankenship said. “Press down through your foot and squeeze your glutes to lift your hips up as high as you can. While keeping the hips lifted, dip the top leg down to connect the legs knee-to-knee. Lift the leg back up to the top and give your glutes an extra squeeze. Gently lower your hips down to the mattress.”
3. Kneeling Lunge With Leg Extension
“Begin in a kneeling position with your ankles, knees, and hips at 90-degree angles,” Blankenship said. “Lean forward to gently touch your fingertips to a pillow placed in front of you. Press all of your weight into your front foot and extend your back leg behind you to find yourself in a flat-back position. Create a straight line from the crown of your head through to the back heel. Keep the supporting knee bent and only use your fingertips for balance. Gently lower down into the starting position.”
4. Kneeling Lateral Lunge With Diagonal Leg Extension
“Begin in a kneeling position with your front leg placed on the diagonal. Shift your way into the front leg and engage your glute,” Blankenship said. “Shift your weight back and place your hands on the mattress to find yourself supporting your body on two hands and one knee and continue to extend your leg on the high back diagonal. Imagine pressing a heavy object away with your heel. Keep your belly button drawn in the entire time and be careful to not let your lower back arch. Plan your foot back down onto the mattress and pick your chest up to return to the starting position.”
Who says you shouldn’t kick start your day by getting out of bed butt-first?

Thursday, April 28, 2016

Student Kicked Out of College Gym for Wearing "Inappropriate" Workout Attire (a Tank Top)

"Athleisure" might've just been added to the dictionary, but some universities aren't ready to embrace the Lululemon strappy tank top trend just yet. 
Such was the case for Danielle, a student at Washington and Lee University in Lexington, Virginia, who was kicked out of the school's fitness center for inappropriate attire.  
Was she wearing a see-through top? Pasties? This underboob bra? Nope. This is what she was wearing when the incident occurred: 
Your shirt is cut too low in the back," a student employee told Danielle, as recounted in an interview with Total Sorority Move. "I'm going to have to ask you to leave." 
Confused because this is exactly what many girls are wearing in gyms (and to the mall... and to class... and to pretty much everywhere else) across the country? Danielle was a little thrown off as well. 
According to her, the private school's fitness center dress code states "all users must wear proper fitness attire." The following details are available on the university's website, as well as in an explanatory PDF

The school does not allow "sleeveless shirts with the arm holes or gaps open below the bottom of the shoulder blades" or "shirts that expose parts of the abdominal area, rib cage, and/or the lower back, front or sides of the torso. (For the purposes of this policy the lower back is the area below a horizontal line under the shoulder blades.)" Because, rib cages are dangerous, after all. 
Danielle was not without a sense of humor about the ridiculousness of her ejection. In her (sarcastic) words, "the whopping four boys in the fitness center could safely enjoy their workouts without stumbling upon the erotica that was displayed in the form of a keyhole on my top."  
The school is defending their archaic protocol. The school's website states the dress code was put into place for the "health and safety of all users," to "[prevent] skin infections and to preserve the longterm life of the equipment." Two completely different ideas here.
Since conversation has started on social media, the school has posted a statement on itswebsite from the Director of Athletics stating, "We want to assure the W&L community that the policy applies equally to men and women." Sure. Right.
We've got some questions here: Wasn't Danielle's tank designed specifically for the gym? Who is she even putting in danger by wearing a cut-out top? Herself? She's an adult, can't she take that risk on her own? Perhaps the fitness director just really, really hates Lululemon?
They aren't the only school with a strict dress code. Quinnipiac University in Hamden, Connecticut, requires students to cover their shoulders. The school said the policy was put in place for safety reasons, similar to what Washington and Lee said, as there is a risk of MRSA and other staff infections. 
These aren't two isolated instances. The University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee also has arule in place that states shirts must "fully [cover] the back, shoulders, chest, stomach and sides." While the school stated health concerns as one reason for the rule, it also cited this: "Muscle-bound men in cut-off shirts might deter freshmen from working out." 
(Ah yes, the old muscle-bound-men-in-cut-off-shirts-are-too-intimidating-to-work-out-near excuse.)
Want to ban tank tops for health reasons? Fine. But if these schools are using safety as an excuse to ban clothing to avoid "distraction," and/or discriminating against one sex, than this is a case of schools unnecessarily policing their students' wardrobes

Wednesday, April 27, 2016

You've Been Drinking Water Wrong — Check How to Do It According to Chinese Medicine

Big news: You're drinking water all wrong!

You've always known it. With mechanisms like brain freeze and toothaches, your body is trying to tell you that the glass of ice-cold water is ill-conceived. 

Really, it's true.

In China, drinking cold or iced water might invite "a chorus of criticism," Nicole Liu, a self-described "devoted hot water drinker," wrote for the Los Angeles Times. When it comes to health, traditional Chinese medicine promotes "harmony," and it is believed that drinking cold water takes the body out of equilibrium by knocking it out of its optimal working temperature.
"In regards to the body, cold blocks the meridian channels, slows and even congeals blood circulation and diminishes organ functioning to less than optimal ability," Mee Lain Ling, a registered doctor of traditional Chinese medicine, wrote on her website in 2013.
A more historical explanation has to do with China's infrastructure, as boiling water was a way to combat the risk of catching parasites and disease from tap water after the Communist Chinese Revolution in 1949, Liu wrote for the LA Times.

So next time you're at your favorite restaurant or at home chilling: 

Ask for it hot. 

Because maybe 1.3 billion people have it right. 


The Power of Meditation: Encountering God through Scripture


The verb meditate carries the meanings of mumbling continually, pondering deeply, studying, and musing. Meditating on the Word is a focused repetition of phrases from Scripture.
“Meditation is a God-ordained way to use the Scripture,” Kirk of IHOPKC said. “It’s not vain repetition when faith is involved.”
Numerous verses refer to the importance of meditating on the Word and God’s character.
“O how I love Your Law! It is my meditation all the day. Your commandments make me wiser than my enemies, for they are ever mine.” (Ps. 119:97–98)
“His delight is in the law of the Lord, and in His law he meditates day and night.” (Ps. 1:2)
Kirk came up with a five-step process for his own use: R-W-S-S-P. Taking a verse at a time, he would Read it, Write it, Say it, Sing it, and Pray it.
Using a yellow legal pad, he created three sections. His Tasks section was for unrelated thoughts, positive or negative, that proved to be distractions. The Pursuits section was for topics that were somewhat related to the meditation verse, but more suitable for future study. The main section was for thoughts or insights related to the verse.
Read it
Read the verse several times; look for key phrases and words. Focus on what you read and what it may mean. Think of other ways to say it. Notice how specific words may be emphasized and how that affects the meaning of the verse.
Write it
Write the verse out exactly as it is written; close your Bible so you don’t get distracted by other verses. Write a small phrase, and go to the next step—say it. Write down any insights, thoughts, and revelations. Write the phrase several times. Writing the Word opens something that reading doesn’t always open in our understanding; it can be powerful and profound.
Say it
Say the verse aloud—loud enough to hear yourself. “Faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God” (Rom. 10:17). As you repeat Scripture phrases, certain words will leap out at you. Repeat these words quietly before the Lord as your heart connects with His through His living Word.
Sing it
Singing is a means to unlocking the heart. Sing your phrase several times. Write down what you sense and perceive. Our singing voices function in a way distinct from other musical instruments. No other instrument can carry a flow of thought and melody. Declaring Bible verses in song impacts our spirit, soul, and body in a dynamic way. And God has ordained that our singing to Him would move His heart too.
Pray it
Prayer is a God-ordained means of communing with God. When you repeat a phrase and believe it, you’re speaking it to God, which is prayer. As you pray your verse, ask the Lord to help you believe it. If a phrase invites faith or obedience to walk it out, ask God to help you live it out.
When we meditate on the Word, we use the Bible to encounter God. We  experience more of His love, understand His truth, and come to know Him more intimately. If you want to engage with God in a deeper way, try meditating with R-W-S-S-P for 30 minutes. Then let us know how it went!

Tuesday, April 26, 2016

Watch Beyonce Lemonade Explained With Emojis

Beyonce had a surprise special on HBO Saturday night called “Lemonade” that has caused a lot of speculation and controversy. The internet lost its chill and possible cheating rumours surfaced when Beyonce mention in her song "Sorry" the lyric "you better call becky with the good hair"  It’s all kind of hard to follow, so Jimmy (Late Night Host) broke it down using the universal language of emoji.

Watch it Below 

Watch Guys Try Long Hair For A Week

Long, healthy hair is an attractive asset on both men and women. If you're interested in growing your hair out but don't quite know the process involved, then look no further! This video below shows guys who have try long hair for a week and well their reaction wasn't as they expected.
Watch to see their reactions.

How To Grow Your Hair Out


10 Surprising Facts You Didn’t Know About Sex

Sex is weird. How weird? Ask anyone who’s spent time browsing through Amazon’s store of erotic literature and they’ll tell you: deeply weird. Despite being experts on it for the last two million years or so, we humans are still finding new and bizarre things out about our most fundamental urges. Think you know all about sex? Think again.

10. Wealthy Men Are Better In Bed

Ever since Lady Chatterley got down and dirty with her gardener in DH Lawrence’s classic novel, it’s been accepted that the poor do it better. The upper classes may have all the money, fast cars and offshore tax havens, but when it comes down to basic animal passions, it’s the working class who really know how to get a lady’s motor going.
At least, that’s the clichĂ©. But scientists would disagree. In 2009, researchers at Newcastle University in England conducted a study into female pleasure and partner’s earnings. They found that women with higher-earning partners tended to have more orgasms than those going out with unwashed hillbillies. Taken altogether, their results produced a kind of sliding scale, where those who had the richest partners also had the greatest time in bed.
According to the scientists, this might be because women have evolved to discriminate sexually between different quality mates. By choosing a ‘better’ or richer mate, women are rewarded with stronger orgasms. On the other hand, we should point out that lead researchers in UK universities typically earn more than double the average wage. An example of study bias, maybe?

9. Sperm Contains Insane Amount Of Data

There’s a famous scene in the Old Testament where God gets his wrath on and smites Onan for spilling his sperm on the ground. Over the years, many have taken this as proof that God dislikes both masturbation and birth control. However, there’s another theory that we think’s even-more likely. It could just be that God hates to see good data being wasted.
Every single sperm contains around 37.5 MB worth of data in its DNA. That’s about the same amount of information your average hard drive held back in 1990, contained inside a single microscopic creature. And that’s just one sperm. Add up all the guys swimming around in your average man’s testicular sack, and we’re beginning to verge into supercomputer territory.
When scientists did the math, they estimated that every single man on Earth transfers around 1,500 terabytes every single time he ejaculates. That’s like having a thousand desktop computers come firing out your genitals every time you get intimate with your girlfriend.

8. Penises Bend In All Sorts Of Weird Ways

The Dutch are famously liberal about sex. Prostitution is legalized in the country, and Amsterdam is one of the world’s sex capitals. Apparently, this attitude extends to their scientists. In 1999, four Dutch researchers got hold of an MRI scanner. They immediately decided to use it to see what couples having sex looked like on the inside. Their results will make every male reading this feel incredibly uncomfortable.
When the pictures came back, they showed that penises bend in insanely-uncomfortableways inside the vagina. Without going into too much detail, the guy’s member seemed to take an abrupt, 90 degree turn on entering his partner. The result was a penis bent into a sort of ‘L’ shape; the exact sort of shape most men never want to see their penises bend into.
Luckily, this bending is totally natural and (seemingly) painless. Just try not to think about it next time you’re having an intimate encounter.

7. Fetuses Can Get Erection

Pregnancy is an undoubtedly weird time. Your body swells up in weird places, you get bizarre cravings, and at the end of it all a little human pops out of you, demanding attention. But at least what’s going on inside is beautiful, right? The magic of creation, the miracle of life and so-on.
Well, yes, that’s all part of it. But we’ve got some other, slightly-more disgusting news for you. If you’re carrying a little baby boy around in you, there’s a chance he’s relaxing in there right now with a noticeable erection.
As early as the 1990s, doctors were discovering this odd little fact during MRI scans. According to the literature, boy fetuses can start getting erections at as early as 16 weeks. This means you could be carrying around a horny unborn baby for as long as 24 whole weeks.
This isn’t the only freaky thing to happen during pregnancy. According to one French study, a small percentage of women actually orgasm as they give birth.

6. Fat Guys Last Longer

Ask most women to imagine their ideal sexual partner, and you’ll probably get back responses about tall, dark men with rippling six packs and a tender heart. Only in the rarest of cases would anyone respond with: “a big fat guy.” Yet that big fat man has one enormous advantage over his svelte cousins. According to science, he’ll last much longer.
In 2010, Turkish researchers concluded a year-long study monitoring the sexual performance of 100 men. They found that skinny men could hold off from ejaculating for an average of only 108 seconds. Heavy guys, on the other hand, could keep going for over 7 minutes.
The reason was down to female hormones. Guys with excess flab are also more likely to have higher levels of the female estradiol sex hormone. This slowed down their build up toward orgasm, meaning they had more time to pleasure their partners. With studies showing over two thirds of US men are obese, could this be final proof that Americans are the world’s greatest lovers?\

5. One Man Could Impregnate The World In Two Weeks

Most men like to think they’re pretty virile. Heck, it’s often used as a compensating factorfor baldness: you may have no hair, but you’re capable of pleasuring far more women than your hirsute rivals. But the truth is that it’s not just bald men who are capable of superhero feats of virility. Every single man on Earth is technically capable of impregnating every fertile woman alive in only two weeks.
Obviously, this isn’t likely to happen. Even infamous lovers like Genghis Khan – who was so prolific one in every 200 men alive today are thought to be direct descendants – couldn’t get the whole world pregnant. Instead, think of it more as an illustration of just how many sperm the average human male produces. If we were capable of extracting each one separately, and somehow ensuring it would reach and successfully fertilize the egg, then we could theoretically impregnate billions of women in only 14 days. If anyone has the time and patience to figure out how many terabytes of data that represents, we’d love to hear from you in the comments.

4. 10% Of Women Love Partners Less Than Fictional Guys 

Here’s a question for all you heterosexual men and homosexual ladies in relationships. Are you the ultimate love of your partner’s life? Common sense suggests somewhere near 100 percent of you just said “yes.” While most of you are probably right, science says at least ten percent of you are sadly misguided. And not because your partner is secretly shacking up with the mailman. Studies have shown that one in ten women cares more for a fictitious character than they do their own partner.
The research was commissioned by a UK polling company, and sought to figure out which characters women were most attracted to. Top of the list came James Bond, followed by Bruce Wayne and Tony Stark. As part of their questioning, researchers uncovered a sizeable number of women who admitted to more intense feelings for these characters than for their real-life partners. Interestingly, the same report also found that one in ten men get jealous about their girlfriend’s attachment to fictional characters.

3. State-Sponsored Prostitute Visit

It sounds like a fiscal conservative’s worst nightmare. A world where the government uses taxpayer dollars to fund visits to prostitutes. Well, such things exist. In places like the Netherlands, the government literally pays for some disabled people to get their end away.
The reasons behind this are actually quite sweet, if you peek behind the lurid headline. For many severely disabled people, chances to have a casual sexual encounter are practically non-existent. For some, getting lifted into and out of bed by carers is the only physical contact they experience. Nonetheless, many still have extremely active, erotic fantasy lives. When the New York Times did an article on the subject, they interviewed a French woman incapable of moving anything except her left thumb and facial muscles. Most nights she dreamed of being a powerful, able-bodied blonde who dominated men.
In parts of Europe, this situation has led sympathetic governments to stump up the cash for disabled people to visit Sexual Surrogates. This gives those trapped inside unresponsive bodies a chance to live out their desires, if only briefly. Such a policy might not win you the Republican nomination, but it sure is heart-warming.

2. The Original G-Spot

It’s the Konami Code of foreplay. The moment when you hit the exact right combination of moves to activate sex’s high score bonus. Known as the G-Spot, it’s been happily flummoxing men (and some women) for years. It’s also named after a dude: Ernest Gräfenberg, who published an influential paper on female ejaculation in 1950. That’s nothing compared to what it could have been called. At one point, scientists were hoping to call it “the Whipple Tickle.”
This wasn’t just some hilarious name they pulled out of a hat. In the early 1980s, the woman leading the way on G-Spot research (yes, that’s totally a real thing) was called Beverly Whipple. She’s the one who first identified the G-Spot; the one who first wrote a book about; and the one who’s therefore responsible for 90 percent of all Sex and the Citystorylines. As the discoverer, Whipple was naturally entitled to name this little bundle of nerve-endings and joy after herself. Luckily, despite some colleagues pushing the ‘Whipple Tickle’ name, she had a last-minute change of heart and named it after Dr Gräfenberg. Thank God, because we for one can’t imagine ever seriously asking a girl if we’re manging to hit her Whipple Tickle.

1. Most Sex Toys Are Older Than You Think

The phrase “sex toys” immediately conjures images of late-90s culture; from low-lit Ann Summers’ stores, to the girls introducing the Rabbit vibrator in Sex and the City. Yet artificial ways of ‘doing it yourself’ have been around for much longer than a couple of decades. Much, much longer.
The vibrator, for example, was invented way back in Victorian times to help doctors perform ‘pelvic massages’ on female patients. Non-vibrating dildos are even older, with the earliest recorded one dating to around 26,000BC. To absolutely no-one’s surprise, it was found it Germany.
But even this isn’t the oldest example of stone age sex we’ve uncovered. In 2009, archaeologists dug up an ancient female statue equipped with enormous breasts and detailed genitals. It’s speculated the find was an early form of pornography, used to arouse our cavemen ancestors. Dated to 33,000BC, the statue was likewise discovered in Germany.
So there you have it, sex is much older and much weirder than any of us could have guessed. Good luck not thinking about that next time you’re trying to get your partner ‘in the mood.’