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Saturday, January 30, 2016


Hello! Hola! Bonjour! and all possible language you might speak. This is Labelle Top 10 the blog we take all kinds of weird and wonderful things from all round of the world and turn them  into a nice little top 10 list so you guys don't have to.

But before we go into that , i will like to ask you a question . "If you had a day to yourself  how would you spend it?" Let me know in the comment section.

Here are the top 10 things that can destroy planet earth.


We just need to come to terms with the fact that one day the sun will explode. It's a star, it has a life span and it's inevitable. The good news is that we probably have a few million years of this happening just right now. The sun is made up of Hydrogen, which will one day burn out but before that happens the sun will expand into a Red Giant. This may in fact burn up our planet and will certainly change things for planet Earth. Our sun is roughly in the middle of its life cycle and is expected to get to Red Giant status in a few hundred million years.


This may be the most ridiculous thing on the list but if you think about it, it's not really that ridiculous after all. Almost all scientist believe that there is life out there. Probabilities suggest that there is life out there and who knows what level of technology advancement could be out. If other life forms are threatening, they could want to destroy planet Earth. Also we don't know what status their planets are , if it's kind of a dying planet or some are exploding, they might be looking for another place to live which means they could get rid of the whole human race. While this might sound pretty elaborate, even Professor Steven Hopkins thinks this is a problem and Steven is one of the greatest minds in the world.


Solar flare have happened before. They are abnormous magnetic out burst from the sun pumped by the Earth that turn to high speed sub atomic particles. This has happen before but on a small scale that can interrupt with telephone communications, that can raise the heat of the Earth. But if a really serious one happens, it can burn up the Ozone layer and even fry Planet Earth. It will be over for us.


Black holes are hanging out in our cosmic hood. The most likely thing to happen if a black hole enter our solar system is that planet will be turned from their orbit and smashed into each other. As a result of that, Asteroids will also be turned out of their orbit and pour directly towards planet Earth. If enough asteroids hit earth, the whole surface of the Earth, could set fire and this will be a nightmare. Even if we avoid the planet smashing into each other, if the black hole get close enough Earth, itself will be sucked in and we wouldn't even do with the density. Earth will literally implode or Explode. We will die.


You may not know this, but out here on planet Earth we actually have volcanoes that if they erupted could destroy the whole humanity. One such massive volcano is the Yellow Stone Caldera in the US. It measures 35 miles long and 45 miles wide. This volcano erupts roughly every 600 thousand years. If the volcano did erupt, it will oversea immediate complication with the larva that will knockout the surrounding areas and the people around there will die immediately but also the volcanic ash will cloud the earth, blackout the sun which will lead to many ice-age and no one will survive. There are also super volcanoes in Italy, Canada, Japan and in New Mexico.


Pandemic is an epidemic of infectious disease that spreads through a wide area. This could even spread to the surface of the Earth and everyone on earth could be infected with the disease and the worst case, pandemic scenarios. In Middle Ages, the plague roughly wiped out 15% of all Europeans. and in more recent times we have the manslaughter Ebola. If there was ever to be a zombie apocalypse, this will count as a pandemic. Luckily in today's modern age, modern technology and modern sciences, it's kind of it's kind of unlikely.


The Ozone layer is pretty freaking important. It protects us UV Rays. Exposed directly to these rays can caused us Cancer. In fact, it's very likely that we would. Luckily, we have the ozone layer at the moment to filter this out. However, if it was burned out, we wouldn't have it and it could be a disaster. UV rays can also stunt the growth, un photosynthesis of a variety of crops and could also affect re productivity in the aquatic life.


Getting hit by an asteroid i hate to say it, is very likely to occur. However, the scale and size will probably be OK. Once in Oreo, where an asteroid irrevocably change the phase of Earth and that's when an asteroid the size of an island white hit Mexico 65 million years ago. This asteroid absolutely totally wiped out the Dinosaur population. Dinosaurs had been wondering the earth for a 116 millions years before that and they could not survive this. If it happen before, it could happen again.and the entire human race could be wiped out and if the asteroid is big enough, it could knock earth out of its orbit or it's probably unlikely. Luckily in this new age we are living in, we have developed systems that can blow us asteroid up and it becomes smaller, so we don't really need to worry about this. Probably!

1. World War III

Humans are far more likely to destroy the earth than space at this point. There is absolutely, no arguing with the fact if there was another world war this probably will be the end of it. I'm talking Major War, every one fighting every one could be chaos. Not only as a highly likely, that chemical warfare will be reintroduce on an alarming scale of killing millions, it is more likely nuclear war will destroy earth as we know it. The dropping of the atomic bomb ended World War II but it left devastating consequences. That was only two bombs. Imagine in the third world war scenario where every country has an atomic bomb, it could be an absolute nightmare and trust you don't wanna die that way. Imagine 100 of atomic bombs being dropped, nuclear pollution could destroy all lives on earth along with all species and humans will all die probably from radioactive poisoning. 

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