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Saturday, January 16, 2016


Stop breaking your own heart by trying to run a relationship that clearly is not intended to work. You can not force someone to care and love you the same way you do. You can't force someone  to be faithful. You can't force someone to be the person you need them to be. Let's be honest and real to ourselves, sometimes you can better live your life without the person you want the most.You have to understand that some things happen naturally but are simply not meant to function. Some things and people come to your life but are simply not designed to stay there.

Do not lose by trying to fix what is destined to remain broken. You can not get a perfect relationship with someone who is not ready to give it all to you. It's most of the time hard when your heart has cataloged that person as someone with whom you could spend the rest of your life, but it's best to accept the truth He or She will never be that person. You may not understand it now, but one thing  sure is that your future will make you understand while things didn't work out. It's best not to depend on someone for your happiness. The only person responsible for your happiness and success is YOU. Some chapters and pages simply have to close and the broken part that you to try to fix prevents you from the beautiful thing that is waiting to be constructed, GOD loves you so much. Yes HE does. Have faith and put all your trust on God. You Deserve better. God bless your life! It's best to be single than to be in a wrong relationship.
Listen to this song and be inspired

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