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Thursday, February 18, 2016

Top Ten Most Hated People

The people who changed the world with their screwy ways and sick minds or just plain evil.

1. Justin Bieber

Justin Drew Bieber is a Canadian singer, song writer, and record producer. He was born on March 1, 1994. Justin is currently 21 years old and lives in Ontario, Canada. He is a Christian.
More people have committed suicide since his rise to fame
1994 was the worst year ever in history. Kurt Cobain died and this garbage singer was born. - joshsanz
He killed at least more people than Hitler because of his music :(
I need to have him at rank 1. Is my dream since I know him and that should be great if he overpass Hitler.
There are worst people in the world than him. I'm not supporting what he did and does but there are way worse people.

2. Adolf Hitler

This man was an evil person, he caused the biggest and most unforgettable event in human history, WW2. Unbelievably sick, he murdered people who were "Different", he must've had a crazy mind. People will never forget him, and there will never be anybody like him, not one person. This man had made his mark in history. Responsible for the dead of more than 60 million people, A lot of families lost their sons, fathers, cousins & uncles because of this German maniac.

Actually he only killed 37 million if you count all holocausts and dead soldiers from the Allies. Get your facts right. Plus Stalin killed much more than Hitler.

How can anyone compare Saddam or Osama or Justin beiber to him. If All the villains were put in tents for how evil they were the only person that would be with him would be hienrich Himmler because he was the architect of the the holocaust and made it possible for hitler. Staline was in power for 17 years longer than hitler so of course stalin killed more. 

This man was the most terribly evil person ever in history. And probably will be for hundreds if not thousands of years. He would blame the Jews for absolutely everything. And he even had gypsies killed. How does traveling a lot make you inferior. And he attacked the you. S. S. Are when he was already at war with Britain. He then had to fight on two fronts. How could some one so stupid get into power.

3. Osama Bin Laden

He is a high level terrorist, hiding somewhere, I hope he gets found, he has done some bad things

The others are dead (may devil bless them)... 
But Osama is alive & should be the most hated person...

I hated him very much because of all what he's done bad to the people surround him, he is not a good example to those innocent people..poor mind bin laden
I don't like him, because he was very bad, he created many wars and he did suffering many people along his life and he continues to do it by his mates.

4. Barack Obama

Barack Obama eliminated Osama bin Laden, helped get rid of Qaddafi, was instrumental in advancement of gay rights, repealed don't ask don't tell, more people than ever have health care due to his actions, provided a stimulus package that saved the auto industry, is making gun purchases safer, normalized relations with Cuba, expanded hate crime protection, increased support for veterans, negotiated a climate change agreement, along with five other nations negotiated a nuclear arms reduction deal with Iran, which led to the release of four political prisoners this week and probably helped in the safe return of ten sailors who strayed into Irani waters. To find out why all this bad, consult FOX News or your nearest Koch brothers troll.
To the person ranting about what Obama supposedly did to the school system, it would be nice to know what on earth you are talking about. People don't know how much harm he's doing to public schools? Well, that apparently includes you since you can't name anything in particular. Also, it would be impossible for Obama to take any action affecting all schools in America by himself. There would have to be a bill passing Congress first. Mostly schools are run locally, by your superintendent and your school board, not by anyone out of Washington.
I have just witnessed a first. There are four entries underneath mine and there is not a single syllable of truth in any of them. He's just let in because he's black? He was elected, folks, and re-elected, and it wasn't close either time. Nobody wants Hillary as president? She's leading in the polls, you dimwit. If you really think things were better under Bush, you must not care about the economy at all. And seriously, you're going to blame Obama for ISIL? It wasn't Obama that started attacking the Middle East now, was it? Good God, there are such a bunch of racist lies under here that you guys must all be in the KKK or something.

5. Joseph Stalin

his "red terror" campaign, "great purge" and the infamous gulag death camps has killed millions of people. over 40 million Russian perished during his time (exclude world war-2). 

many historians and academia's regarded this man as "the greatest murderer" on modern history.

I'm surprised to see him so low on the list. Perhaps it's because he was considered as one of "our guys" for the most part of the WW2, so no one took a closer look on what he was doing.
Hitler was a bad man, that's true, but Hitler was also delusional and might have genuinely wanted to create a good place to live for his people. Stalin on the other hand never cared for the people of Russia and never even tried to act as he cared. Plus he was absolutely aware of what he was doing and what are the consequences, which makes him bad by desin. - saaarsdej

Russia knows who he is and they hope he is dead and gone! and no influence to people!
How can this crap be so famous around the world...

6. Kanye West 

Words do not describe how much peple actually hate this rap Hitler
He's truly a joke. Disgrace to blacks. Cocky, rude, and not talented.
He is just a small minded man, who in his own words believes he is the next "Jesus". He has little to no talent yet has the confidence to call his latest album 'the best album ever made'. If you ask me this man is rude, self centered and a disgrace to modern pop culture.
Do I need to say more then the guy is a complete idiot?

7. Kim Kardashian

No talent in that family whatsoever...
She gets our vote! we hate her and really do not see why the media likes her so much. she is just a daughter of a rich guy who made a porn tape?
She is a very bad role model for kids, beauty and money aren't everything. The way she acts and treats life is sickening. Her porn video is what made her famous, before that she was Paris Hilton's maid. Drama is what she thrives on, and with out it she would be boring.
Cheap slapper

8. Miley Cyrus

She is so annoying and nobody actually thinks that she is a good singer. She tries to raise her fame by making out with pretty much everyone she finds available!
I truly do like her music and I think people should think about their opinion a little more about her because this is how she expresses herself! There are more people who hate her then like her in this world! Why would she go to all this trouble just for people to dislike her? This is her and only her! This is her life and only her life! No one should judge her for being her! I admire her for not caring what people think and just focusing on her career! GO Miley!
You can't be Hannah Montana forever. For the people who hate her, she's just grown up not changed. She is a good singer. I'm not a huge fan, but she is a good person, and if you don't believe it, you've been into the media to much, she cares about homeless and animals. In my books, that is a good person.
I'd rather have someone be a good person with everything out than a terrible person with everything covered up.

9. Donald Trump

He's a buffoon. Virtually every sentence out of his mouth is unintentionally funny. He exaggerates everything. He's like a cross between a sketchy used car salesman and a kooky grandpa who randomly blurts out racist statements. 

But he's not a kooky grandpa, he's actually a toddler in an adult's body, self-absorbed and petulant. He's either the most famous egotistical person or the most egotistical famous person, it's hard to know which. His arrogance is legendary. He's the personification of vainglory. His relentless self-promotion knows no bounds. He's rich yet insecure and wants everyone to bow to his greatness, the type of guy who feels disrespected if everyone around him doesn't kiss his ass. He's the kind of guy who would be irritated if someone implied he had even slightly less money, power, or success than he tries to project.

If he were a dictator, he'd be like one of the Kims from North Korea, making all the school children learn how he shot 18 straight holes-in-one on his very first golf outing and disappearing anyone who dared question his greatness. If he were president, his thin skin would get us into a new war every time he felt snubbed. If he could be a state, he'd be Idaho because it starts with I, California or Kentucky because they're known for gold, Alaska because it's the biggest or Texas because he thinks that's the biggest.

He's a wonderful gift to late night comedians, but he's actually impossible to caricature because he already is a caricature. Jon Stewart joked that he would redo the outside of the White House in all gold to "class up the joint" -- it's funny but also seems a little too plausible, like something he would actually do. All his properties are gaudy and over-the-top, with his name added to the top in giant letters.

Sometimes his vanity, thin skin, and tastelessly over-the-top ostentatiousness combine for a truly delicious spectacle, such as happened last fall when Trump erected a 20 foot high sign with his name on a building, "half the length of a football field..."

Donald Trump just inspired Chicago to rewrite the rules on absurdly large building signs

If we want a president who lashes out at the slightest criticism, he's our man. If you think presidential temperament is important, behold his twitter feed, where he's attacked everyone he doesn't like, routinely gets into public spats, responds to every insult, no matter who they're from, and often with incorrect facts. If he's so busy and important, how does he have time for all those internet flame wars?

10. Marian Rivera

Naturally, she is hated by the people, cause of her irksome attitude or approach, feisty yet annoyed. Many people are in the state of bewildered why she is a queen of primetime. A disputable and quarrelsome argument.
Her smile is fake. She does charities for the cameras, and not really as a genuine concern. She gets into trouble most of the time for the little things that irritate her, bringing out her foul-mouthed tirades.
Her flirt-acts and garbage-like manners plus scandals made her name wild. She is so devil. Someone that has a foul characters that anyone would really hate her. She is a Tupperware symbol. - Ninja
Her attitude doesn't fit in the industry where she was working. She's so annoying and act like she's a diva. A Flop Movie and T.V. Queen in Philippines. Back to back to back to back flop movies. Her fans act like her also.

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